Unit Specifications:
- Advanced Lift Support equipment
- 1250 GPM Hale pump.
- 750 Gallon water tank
- 15 gallon Class A Foam Cell
- 15 gallon Class B Foam Cell
- 48 feet of assorted ground ladders
- 1000 feet of 4” supply hose
- 20 feet hard suction
2015 E-One Typhoon Class HP78
2020 E-ONE Typhoon EMAX Rescue Pumper
2016 E-ONE Typhoon HP78
2012 E-ONE Typhoon HP78
Horton Rescue/Freightliner Chassis
Horton Rescue/Freightliner Chassis
Horton Rescue/Freightliner Chassis
Horton Rescue/Freightliner Chassis